This year Fairtrade Fortnight is the 28th February till the 13th March! Campaigners are being asked to be LOUD AND PROUD and show off their labels!!!
Order some Fairtrade cotton and make some Fairtrade bunting! Before doing this perhaps you would like to find out more about this years product focus which is Cotton.
Order some Fairtrade cotton and make some Fairtrade bunting! Before doing this perhaps you would like to find out more about this years product focus which is Cotton.
So what can you do to further your understanding of Fairtrade?! Ask questions and do research, find out about the supply chains of products that you regularly buy! If you aren't happy with the results, and find that your dress was made by a child working in poor conditions in a factory, or your chocolate was made from cocoa that was picked by children trafficked from their homes and taken from their families with the hope of earning some money?! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Ask the shop selling the product why they are stocking it!? Ask them to look at making their products more ethical and environmental. If they don't respond, or make changes you can decide to stop buying the product. We (the consumers) are the people that are demanding cheap products, but this comes at a price to other people! We are the only ones that can make the change, it is the consumer demand that companies listen to and we are the ones with the power in our hands.
ENTHUSE about your cotton socks,
GOSSIP about your roses,
PARADE your instant coffee
RAVE about your Brazil nuts
Make Fairtrade your favourite this year, be proud to support Fairtrade, be part of a new bunting world record and show off your lable because...TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE TRADE FAIR!